The Pontarolo Building System, comprising the Vespaio, walls, floors and roof in a single system, is the most advantageous solution for the construction of public buildings, be they schools, banks, municipal buildings, museums, libraries, … etc.
Thanks to the use of our technologies, it is possible to build, in a short time and low costs, buildings of any type of construction ensuring high values in terms of comfort, eco-sustainability, earthquake resistance and energy performance.
Climablock, the block formwork ICF insulation in EPS, allows the construction of load-bearing walls in C.A. in a fast, simple, economical way, obtaining a continuous, homogeneous and bridge-free insulation of the envelope.
The flat floors and reinforced concrete roofing are made with Kaldo thermo panel: ICF formwork in EPS that gives the structure an integrated thermal insulation and lighter than traditional technologies.
Il massimo comfort può essere inoltre raggiunto con IsolCupolex, il vespaio aerato isolato in EPS Twinpor per altezze da 11 a 250 cm.
Per realizzare il cappotto termico delle pareti la miglior soluzione è Spyrogrip, l’arma vincente delle ristrutturazioni, in grado di garantire elevate prestazioni energetiche con semplici, sicure ed efficaci operazioni di montaggio.