VENTUS are aerated and thermally insulated roof panels in Twinpor Polystirene (EPS) for the creation of thermally insulated roofing packages with draining grooves for condensation droplets and a ventilation chamber to be applied to new structures and renovations.
VENTUS panels provide an external thermal insulation on the roof that improves the thermal efficiency of the building, and can be configured to increase the thermal inertia of the roof or to install the roof finishing or photovoltaic panels directly on VENTUS.
The insulated roof panels can be manufactured with a ventilated cavity and an OSB panel to sustain the waterproofing and finishing, or without ventilation in order to cast concrete on top.
The innovation of the Ventus system is represented by the small grooves present on one of the two surfaces of the insulating panel that can perform two different functions depending on the type of package that you choose to use. If you choose to create a ventilated roof, the grooves, positioned in the direction of maximum slope, have the important purpose of collecting and conveying out any condensation droplets formed in the ventilation chamber. If it is used under the concrete cast the grooves guarantee a mechanical attachment of the concrete slab to the insulating panel.
Ventus provides high thermal performance and, if combined with other building systems, helps to obtain the most virtuous certifications in terms of energy quality such as: Class A, Casa Gold CasaClima, NZEB Buildings and Passive House.
The Ventus system, depending on the needs, can assume four different conformations, namely: Ventus base element, Ventus + OSB, Ventus + Windi, Ventus + Concret
Insulation panel made of Twinpor polystyrene (EPS) manufactured with injection molding to improve vapor permeability characteristics and thermal insulation. The roof insulation panels also present a grooved surface that increase the mechanical bonding with concrete or can host the elements to support ventilation working also as channels to remove condensation droplets from the roof.
The roof insulation panel is supplied in 120 x 40 cm elements and is available in different thicknesses in order to meet the necessary insulation requirements of the roof. The elements can be used both in roofs and as thermal insulation of any floors.
Pre-assembled configuration of ventilated panels consisting of the base insulation element, ventilation channels and a wood panel to support waterproofing and finishing . This configuration provides an excellent thermal insulation during cold days and an optimal ventilation and cooling during hot summer days.
The wood panel that host the finishing can be glued directly on the Ventus elements or can be attached with spacing elements in order to create the ventilation channels of custom heights. Ventus + OSB panels are available with different EPS insulation thicknesses to meet the insulation requirements.
This configuration permits to have insulation, aeration and a concrete top. It provides insulation, ventilation and a good thermal inertia. The roof panel consist of the Ventus + Windi. Windi is a plastic formwork that is 5 or 10 cm high that can contain the concrete cast leaving a series of aeration channels underneath.
The concrete casted on top of the roof panels provides the mass ensuring a good thermal inertia of the roof.
Ventus insulating panels are available in different thickness of insulating polystyrene to meet the necessary thermal insulation of the roof.With this configuration, Ventus and Windi elements are supplied separate and must be assembled on site before the concrete cast.
Configuration of the Ventus roof insulating panel with an upper concrete slab. The particular shape of Ventus allows for better anchor of the concrete cast to the panels and the roof is both thermally insulated and provides high thermal inertia.
Ventus insulating panels are available in different thickness of insulating polystyrene to meet the necessary thermal insulation of the roof.
The concrete will be cast on site after installing the Ventus insulating panels on the roof.
The roof insulation panel Ventus consists in a 120×40 cm element, made of Twinpor polystyrene (EPS) with mechanical resistance of 100 or 150kPa.
Twinpor EPS is a special mixture of white and grey polystyrene for improved performances and high durability.
Each panel comes in 64 – 94 – 124 and 184 mm thickness to meet each project’s insulation requirement and has male and female joints at the edges for an easy installation.
Flat or sloped roofs
Floor insulation
High thermal insulation in the winter season;
Excellent comfort during hot days thanks to the ventilation and/or thermal inertia depending on the chosen conformation;
Presence of grooves for the elimination of any condensation droplets
Improved mechanical anchoring of the upper concrete layer
Greater comfort;
Lightweight panels;
Easy and quick to install;
Adaptable to any type and shape of surface;
Compatible with any roofing package.
La fornitura di Ventus avviene, per gli elementi base, in pezzi da 120 x 40 cm, mentre per gli elementi preassemblati, in pannelli di dimensioni 120 x 240 cm. Per la sua leggerezza Ventus, può essere scaricato dal camion anche a mano, inoltre, risulta movimentabile in modo semplice e sicuro. Anche le fasi di posa sono facilitate. Gli elementi devono essere disposti sopra la copertura sia essa in legno, calcestruzzo o laterocemento e la loro posizione può essere corretta direttamente a mano, velocizzando ulteriormente il lavoro.
I pannelli di Ventus vanno accostati gli uni agli altri e lavorati secondo le esigenze e le caratteristiche del pannello commissionato; se necessario possono essere sagomati direttamente in cantiere secondo la superficie.
L’applicazione di Ventus, in tutte le varianti, dovrà essere realizzata predisponendo il fissaggio dei pannelli mediante appositi tasselli o viti (in funzione della tipologia di struttura sottostante) di opportuna lunghezza, ancorati alla struttura, nella misura di almeno 3 al m2. Il fissaggio meccanico andrà integrato con l’inserimento di schiuma poliuretanica adesiva fra l’intradosso e la struttura del tetto. Inoltre, in caso di tetti in pendenza è opportuno porre in opera sistemi di contenimento sulla linea di gronda.
SolarVentus è la proposta che Pontarolo Engineering rivolge ai fornitori di impianti fotovoltaici ed agli utenti interessati a realizzare edifici con le migliori prestazioni di isolamento e di ecosostenibilità.
Il sistema infatti unisce Ventus + OSB + membrana impermeabilizzante ad un pannello fotovoltaico permettendo di posare sia la struttura del tetto che l’impianto fotovoltaico in un’unica soluzione.
L’unione di queste tecnologie renderà l’impianto innovativo ed integrato che, per il IV° conto energia, da diritto agli incentivi più alti.
Pontarolo Engineering fornirà il supporto agli installatori di pannelli fotovoltaici ai quali è demandata la valutazione di conformità del sistema per ottenere la certificazione di prodotto innovativo ed integrato.