Sistema Pontarolo is a made in Italy construction system for your house or apartment. Deciding to build a house with the Sistema Pontarolo means choosing comfort, durability and well-being.
To understand what it means to “feel good” in the place where we spend most of our time, let’s try to close our eyes and think about the difference between eating freshly cooked pasta and a pre-cooked pasta … between touching a smooth and oiled wooden surface compared to a cold plastic one … between feeling on the skin a cashmere sweater and one in synthetic fiber… between breathing fresh mountain air and polluted city air.
The Comfort that you feel through your senses is also scientifically measurable through some important parameters that depends to the construction system used to build the House.
Here the choice of the right materials becomes very important: discover the building system Sistema Pontarolo and propose it to your designer!
Sistema Pontarolo it’s a complete construction system including several innovative products and technologies from the foundation to the roof. The structure and insulation are consistent through the entire building and allows to have quickly the best quality and durability.
The system focuses to build the house respecting high energy performances and savings both in summer and in winter. The result is a high level of living comfort, which also improves your health and a durable and safe house.
Our construction system allows, in fact, to obtain the highest certifications in terms of energy quality such as: Class A, GOLD CASACLIMA, NZEB Buildings, Passive House
Starting from foundations going to the roof, Sistema Pontarolo includes:
The insulated raised floor Isolcupolex;
The ICF forming system Climablock;
The suspended slab system Kaldo or Spyrogrip Soletta;
The insulated and ventilated roof system Ventus;
Or Spyrogrip and Spyrogrip Indoor insulation panels in case of renovations.
All products are made of EPS (Expanded Polystyrene) TWINPOR™, a material with high insulating performance identified by the researchers of Pontarolo Engineering. In order to limit the impact on the environment it also contains more than 10% of secondary recycled material which makes it compliant with the Italian Minimum Environmental Criteria (Ministerial Decree 11.10.2017).
Building a house with the Pontarolo System usually leads to significant economic savings compared to a traditional construction of equal quality and insulation. The cost must be analyzed as a whole and depends on many factors.
These savings are many and are mainly due to the ease and speed of execution due to the optimization of expensive steps such as the installation of the external insulation system. In particular with the use of the Climablock insulating formwork, you obtain three results in one: structure, external insulation. and interior lining.
In addition – the simple handling of materials on site due to the lightness of the products used, the fast installation of the utilities directly inside the EPS panel (with consequent lowering of the costs of disposal of the brick waste), and the finishing application allows you to determine certain times and costs of construction.
Absolutely yes.
The Pontarolo System allows you to build Class A houses with maximum energy efficiency, that maintains a constant internal temperature which translates into energy savings and therefore economic ones.
Thanks to the reduced wall thicknesses, compared to a traditional house of the same cost, you can have, a house with a larger living area (up to 5% more than a traditional house) and high thermal performance with a consequent decrease in energy consumption and therefore in bills.
Living comfort is the result of a well-being status created within a certain environment according to various fundamental parameters, including room temperature, average radiant temperature of the walls, air quality, acoustics and brightness.
Thanks to the Pontarolo System, it is possible to satisfy all four criteria, guaranteeing in addition to high living comfort, also the most virtuous certifications in terms of energy and quality, such as: Class A, Casa GOLD CASACLIMA, NZEB Buildings and Passive House.
Short installation times and costs are the result of the simplicity that characterize the Pontarolo System:
The energy savings obtained through the use of the Pontarolo construction system is due to:
Controlled mechanical ventilation is a system that allows constant air exchange in indoor environments, in all cases where it is not possible or not convenient to exchange it by opening the windows.
This allows the elimination of all unhealthy pollutants, ensuring high comfort and healthiness, also preventing humidity and mold problems.
It involves the expulsion of exhausted air by replacing it with new air coming from the outside. The air is also purified through high efficiency filters before introducing it into the rooms, moreover it passes through a heat exchanger that recovers thermal energy.
Mechanical ventilation is therefore strongly recommended with Pontarolo System and considered essential in all modern high energy efficiency homes and in highly insulated homes.
Maintenance is reduced to a minimum; in fact, a house built with the Pontarolo System requires very few ordinary maintenance operations, while the extraordinary ones are simple and not very invasive as the system maintains its mechanical and thermal characteristics almost unchanged over time, even in case of a condensation episodes, water leaks etc.