All Events and Exhibitions - Pontarolo Engineering


September 20, 2021

Friday 02-04-2021 at 11.00 in telematic mode via Zoom – To register, click here

The Webinar is organized by the Alto Adriatico Technological Pole Andrea Galvani in collaboration with Confindustria Alto Adriatico.

The meeting aims to offer an overview on the trend in raw material prices and, above all, on the future scenarios that the latest market trends open on the production front


September 20, 2021

The Order of Engineers of Milan with the unconditional support of Pontarolo Engineering organized the free seminar “Designing with diffuse reinforcement construction systems (SAAD)” scheduled for Monday 2 December 2019 from 14.30 to 18.30 in Milan, at the conference room of the Foundation Order of Engineers of the Province of Milan ground floor, viale Andrea Doria, 9 in Milan

3 Professional Training Credits for all engineers from all over Italy There are no credits for architects, surveyors and experts but participation is still free. A certificate will be issued to all participating professionals upon request.

Click here for the detailed program and registration.

Focus on AC box structures with diffused armor, seismic resistant and high energy efficiency.

Diffused reinforcement construction systems, commonly known as SAAD, fully fall within the category of the most suitable solutions, to respond to the revision of the Technical Construction Standards (NTC) of 2018. Among the changes introduced last year, in fact, there is an important chapter dedicated to the design against seismic actions. And the SAAD construction system is compliant with NTC 2018. It is a technology designed to create reinforced concrete walls, using insulating formwork to remain, made with sustainable materials. During the seminar, a speech by a Legambiente representative is also proposed, illustrating his commitment in the construction field, in support of sustainable construction systems. And a case study will be presented, already carried out in Milan, where SAAD Building Systems have been used: a new university residence.


May 23, 2019

Save the date:
May 30, 2019 – Pordenone

The CasaClima Tour finally arrives in Pordenone!

Where is it? In an exceptional location: at the Midj in Cordovado.

We will talk about construction that make us Build Well to Live Better.

It is forbidden to miss

👉 Registration




April 15, 2019


Save the date: 

09 maggio 2019 – Lamezia Terme


Perchè continuare a progettare lasciando spazi di improvvisazione in cantiere? 

Perchè compromettere la durabilitĂ  e la salubritĂ  dell’ edificio non curando i dettagli costruttivi? 

Durante l’ evento verranno presentate le soluzioni che ci fanno costruire bene per vivere meglio. Si parlerĂ  di benessere abitativo a partire dal dettaglio costruttivo.
Un edificio salubre si costruisce dalle fondamenta. Ecco perchĂ© ad essere analizzati saranno soprattutto i particolari esecutivi che messi in opera in fase costruttiva garantiranno la salubritĂ  dell’ambiente ovvero il comfort termoigrometrico, la qualitĂ  dell’aria, il comfort acustico e il comfort luminoso. Requisiti indispensabili, oltre alla scelta accurata delle soluzioni impiantistiche, perchĂ© un edificio, nuovo o da riqualificare, sia esso residenziale sia esso con altra destinazione d’uso – ufficio, scuola, hotel – offra a chi lo vive una condizione di totale benessere per il proprio sistema psico-fisico.

Vi aspettiamo numerosi!

Info e iscrizioni 


February 1, 2019

For 7 years now, Pontarolo Engineering has been an important presence at Klimahouse, the building energy efficiency fair that took place this year from 26 to 29 January in Bolzano.

Every year the Pordenone-based company is present with its own technologies, first of all with the Pontarolo Building System: a complete, non-wearing system that speeds up the construction phases including finishing and plant engineering work, minimizes maintenance ensuring a real economic savings, not only due to lower consumption, but also with lower construction and management costs and allow the construction of buildings in class A4, passive and NZEB.

Building satisfying the needs of well-being, healthiness and energy saving has become, in fact, a duty not only to comply with anti-seismic, acoustic and energy certification standards for buildings but also to live peacefully and preserve the environment for future generations.

The absolute novelty presented on this occasion was IsolCupolex® Rialto, the already insulated ventilated crawl space made of EPS Twinpor that guarantees maximum comfort and can reach a height of up to 250 cm

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San Vito al Tagliamento

PONTAROLO ENGINEERING SPA have been working in the construction business for over 55 years.
+39 0434 857010

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