Pontarolo Engineering s.p.a among the finalists of the Open Innovative PMI 2017 award: innovation made in Friuli Venezia Giulia.
An important milestone for Pontarolo Engineering spa: in 2017 the company from Friuli, an italian region, was selected as a finalist on the occasion of the Open Innovative PMI Award, organized by Bernoni Grant Thornton and aimed at Italian innovative SMEs, the results of which were announced in Rome, at Palazzo Cornaro, seat of the Department for regional affairs, autonomy and sport of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Palazzo Cornaro, during the conference “The world of innovative SMEs and the government plan for Industry 4.0”. Almost 70 companies took part in the initiative and Pontarolo Engineering spa entered the shortlist of six finalists in the “European and Foreign Markets” section.
Pontarolo Engineering spa, based in the Z.I. Ponte Rosso, San Vito al Tagliamento (PN) was the first company in Italy to be registered in the special section of the Chamber of Commerce dedicated to innovative companies, being suitable to meet the particular requirements required and thus taking up the challenge of innovation, a challenge that the Pontarolo group has been collecting for some time and has brought it to the world through investee companies (Canada, USA, New Zealand) and distributors.
Research, qualified personnel, creative and lateral thinking, great experience in construction and construction site problems, knowledge of European and foreign markets allow Pontarolo Engineering, led by the inventor Valerio Pontarolo (president of the Pordenone Technological Center), to confront each other on a daily basis. with one of the most traditional sectors, proposing innovative and advantageous solutions and spreading the know-how acquired with a rich program of activities aimed at more or less specialized audiences.